Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone
Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children. ~George Bernard Shaw
Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor

I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ~Robert Frost
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. ~Author Unknown

We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it. ~Author Unknown
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